Your anti-money laundering maturity asessment


Access your template here.

The assessment covers a wide range of questions on the critical aspects of your AML programme, including:

  • Robustness of policies and procedures.

  • Effectiveness of risk assessment methodologies.

  • Thoroughness of customer due diligence processes.

  • Sophistication of transaction monitoring systems.

  • Comprehensiveness of staff training programs.

By completing this assessment you can gain valuable insights into your AML maturity level, so that you can benchmark your performance against industry standards. As well as highlighting areas for improvement, you’ll also see where you are doing well so you can celebrate the successes.

With your new insights you’ll be able to develop targeted, data-driven strategies to improve your compliance efforts and help prevent money laundering in your community. We hope that using this tool enables you to make smart decisions on where to allocate resource, which new technology to implement and refine your existing processes.

Download your template now.

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