Simplify the identification and verification of businesses and their UBOs

Working with corporate entities can add some complexity to client due diligence. By combining Know-your-business reports and checks on individuals Thirdfort helps to take some of the complexity away.
To make reports on companies faster and easier for you to review we’re adding more information from our company summary reports to the Thirdfort portal. You’ll now find information such as; the company status, incorporation date, trading address and registered address along with the company SIC number at the top of your results page.
You will also find the Persons of significant control detailed on the results page as well. We’ve also been doing some work in the background to improve the quality of data we use to identify Persons of significant control. So now you’ll also find their nationality, date of appointment, and most importantly nature of control.
Finally, we’re taking the first steps in simplifying your workflow when it comes to identifying and verifying individuals within a corporate entity.
We’re embedding our Enhanced NFC ID check as well as an AML screening tool into the results page of your company reports. Using the drop down box you can select the names of the individual that has been identified as part of your search. In a few clicks you can go from identifying key individuals to verifying them with Thirdfort.
By using Thirdfort’s Know-your-business tool alongside our checks on individuals, you can make your due diligence processes more joined up.
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