Secure share

Fight fraud, not each other

Share completed ID and AML reports and unlock more customer referrals. Your clients will no longer have to repeat the same checks over and over again. That means more business for you and a better experience for your clients.

A stylised product image showing a chart and someone sharing a report

Join over 1,500 companies using Thirdfort for their KYC and AML checks

  • Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward logo
  • Birketts logo
  • Chestertons logo


Generate new business by sharing completed ID and AML reports with your industry partners.


No more waiting around for the same checks to be carried out multiple times.

Great experience

Cut out the needless duplication for your clients.


Your clients' information is shared in a secure portal meaning it can't be intercepted.

Why Secure share?

Criminals target systemic weaknesses that exist between businesses, taking advantage of gaps in communication and security. They thrive in disjointed spaces where clarity, organisation and trust are lacking. Thirdfort want to help bring the industry together. Meaning we can focus on fighting fraud, not each other.

  • Will Coulter, Thomas Legal

    It signposts you as being best-in-class if you’re working with a provider like Thirdfort and you're the early adopters of the new innovative technology that is at the forefront of fighting fraud in the industry. And for us, we want to work with similar partners, similar introducers, be they agents or brokers, that hold the same high standards that we have.”

  • Sydney Austin, Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward

    What a lovely thing for us to be able to explain to our prospective clients early on, that we have chosen an AML provider, and there's this product called “Secure share” that has them and their user experience at its heart. And that we are as a business, choosing to invest the time and the money and the effort to make that really easy for them and to speed up their sale.”

  • Nabil Shah, Leadenhall Law Group

    Clients appreciate not having to repeat the process and understand the benefit to them certainly from a time perspective.”

How it works

Step 1

A consumer completes their checks via the Thirdfort app.

Step 2

The completed report is instantly returned in the Thirdfort portal.

Step 3

The report can be securely shared with another firm and is accessible via the Thirdfort portal.

Would you like to know more about Thirdfort?

We’d be happy to walk you through it. Leave your details with us and our team will be in touch to give you a personalised demonstration.